Message from Top Management

Yukihiro Fujioka President & CEO

Asahi Life Asset Management Company (ALAMCO) was established in July 1985 as the subsidiary of Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Company Group. Since then, our business has been always backed by our corporate and individual clients’ great support and patronage. I am grateful for their commitment.

As an uncertain outlook for market environment goes on with unsettled world situation and global inflation, more stable long-term asset buildings are expected by customers. In order to realize the "long-term asset buildings" for our customers, it is important to keep a sustainable picture of the future as clearly as possible. September 2000, ALAMCO started to manage a fund which is a pioneer in full-fledged ESG in Japan, and since then, we have been a leader in the field of social responsibility investment. We will continue to provide higher-quality asset management services, by implementing more detailed operational support and enhancing our internal management system.

We will remain committed to make our best efforts to maximize our clients’ interests, to earn the long-lasting trust of clients, under our corporate philosophy “Client first”. We sincerely look forward to doing business with you in the very near future.

Yukihiro Fujioka
President & CEO